Комунальне підприємство «Харківські теплові мережі»
Country: Ukraine
Project: Ukraine District Heating Energy Efficiency Project (UDHEEP)
Sector: Municipal District Heating
Project ID No.: P132741
Loan No.: 8387-UA
Assignment Title: Individual Consultant for Preparation of Tender Documents for Installation of Heat Meters and other Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Heating Stations of Residential Houses and Construction of Cogeneration Plant Electric Capacity 4MW and Heat Capacity 4,3MW in the City of Kharkiv
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): UDHEEP-KHTM-OC-IC-01
Ukraine has received financing from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in the amount USD 382 million under IBRD related Loan Agreement No. 8387-UA (USD 332 million) and CTF related Loan Agreement No.TF016327 (USD 50 million) toward the cost of Ukraine District Heating Energy Efficiency Project (hereinafter – the Project).The Project will be implemented under general supervision of Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (hereinafter – Minregion). Minregion created a Central Project Management Unit (hereinafter – CPMU) for day-to-day management and coordination of the Project and provision of assistance to Utility Companies participating in the Project in disbursement issues, financial management, reporting and other Project related activities. CPMU shall be responsible for general coordination of activities and reporting under the Project.
Implementation of the Project shall be regulated by the Decree No.1027 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the Procedure of Initiation, Preparation and Implementation of Projects of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine Supported by International Financial Organization” dated 26.11.2008, other legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Orders of Minregion and Project Operations Manual.
The Individual Consultant will work in close collaboration with the Regional Project Management Unit (RPMU) of Public Utility “KharkivskiTeploviMerezhi” and CPMU and shall prepare the tender documents for installation of heat meters and other mechanical and electrical equipment in heating stations of residential houses and construction of cogeneration plant electric capacity 4mw and heat capacity 4,3MW in the City of Kharkiv in accord with the rules and procedures of the World Bank.III. SCOPE OF SERVICES
The Individual Consultant will be required to complete the following tasks:
• Task 1: preparation of bidding document for Installation of Heat Meters and Other Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Heating Stations of Residential Houses in the City of Kharkiv using the Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Plant Design, Supply, and Installation, April 2015, including collection of technical documentation available from the Public Utility and drafting of technical section, preparation of commercial and legal sections, etc (the task shall be completed before November 30, 2015);
• Task 2: preparation of bidding document for Construction of Cogeneration Plant Electric Capacity 4MW and Heat Capacity 4,3MW with Reconstruction of Administrative and Production Facility in Boiler Station at 4 Stoletova Street in the City of Kharkiv using the Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Plant Design, Supply, and Installation, April 2015, including collection of technical documentation available from the Public Utility and drafting of technical section, preparation of commercial and legal sections, etc (the task shall be completed before November 30, 2015);
• Task 3: assistance and follow-up during the bidding process and bid evaluation until contract signing under both above referenced tasks (the task shall be completed before April 30, 2015);
Procurement Specialist will report to the Head of RPMU.V. PROVIDED RESOURCES
• Workplace equipped with PC and telephone;
• Access to Internet, photocopier, printer and scanner;
• Project related documentation;
• Relevant Bank documentation.
• University degree in engineering, procurement, finance or relevant (advanced degree will provide an advantage);
• Experience of procurement in projects financed by International Financial Organizations at least 2 years;
• Confirmed theoretical and practical knowledge of IBRD rules and procedures;
• Experience of work in the public utilities/heating infrastructure/energy sector will provide a distinct advantage;
• Engineering experience/background relating to district heating/energy sector will provide an advantage;
• Fluent English, Ukrainian and Russian, including knowledge of economic, legal, financial and technical terminology relating to the Project;
• Advanced level of PC skills, knowledge and practical skills of using standard MS packages (MS Word, Excel, Power Point), email and databases.
The Services will be required over the period from October 2015 to April 2016 or for any other period of time as agreed by the parties. The Services will be provided under a lump-sum contract with fixed price.
The remuneration of the Consultant, schedule of deliverables and payment schedule will be determined during the negotiations with the selected individual.
Interested individuals shall provide their CV in Ukrainian and English to the following e-mail: zinchenko.r.e@hts.kh.ua with indication at the Subject line “Selection of individual consultant on the position of Individual Consultant for preparation of tender documents”.
The deadline for submission of CVs is 12:00 noon local time October 16, 2015. Selection of consultant will be carried out in accordance with the World Bank rules and procedures.